Busy Brains and Showing Off our Learning! Week Ending:18.5.18


We have been working on special booklets where we get to show off our learning of reading, maths and SPAG. 

In Maths we have been using empty number lines, jottings and mental strategies to solve subtraction number sentences. Some strategies are best suited for certain number sentences.

Today Mrs Byrne visited us and she was impressed with our learning and how much we have grown! 

During creative writing we came up with an alternative ending. In some of our stories Goldilocks and the Three Bears became friends or Goldilocks had an accident and ended up in hospital! 

This week we have been practising our maypole and country dancing ready for May Day next Friday. Our May King and Queen this year are Austin and Yeukai. 

Home Learning is to design a poster for the Summer Sizzler. 

Well done to Ben who is our Star of the Week for listening to instructions and focusing on his learning.

Tweet will be spending the weekend with Harry as he has been showing great independent learning and takes pride in his neat handwriting. 

Enjoy the Fun Run on Sunday if you are taking part. 

Chestnut Class


  1. I enjoyed the Redbourn Fun Run and I ran the 1k.

  2. I also did the 1k and came in the top 20.I liked doing the special booklets.


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