A Busy Train Ride. Week Ending: 4.5.18


This week Milly received Tweet for her brilliant ideas that she came up with for her train poem. 

Well done to Georgina who is our Star of the Week for always being kind and friendly to others. 

Today we have been writing our own poems. Yesterday we planned and drew the illustrations. We used ideas from the poem 'The Train Ride'.

During PSHE we were talking about the difference between secrets and surprises. 

We really enjoyed holding the ducklings, we also watched them go for a swim in the paddling pool! We thought they were really cute! 

On Thursday morning we went to Woodlands. 

In maths we have been learning about reading and writing the time. Home learning is to keep a diary of what you get up to over the weekend at different times. 

Please continue to practise reading and telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. 

Don't forget that Monday is a bank holiday and the school disco is on Friday. 


  1. I enjoyed learning about time and stroking the ducklings


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