May Day Celebrations. Week Ending: 25.5.18


Today Year 2 did the maypole as part of our May Day celebrations. We also did our country dancing and we had a very big audience! Yeukai and Austin were the May Queen and King for Chestnut Class. Thank you for coming to watch we enjoyed watching every class dance. 

We finished our class book Opal Moonbaby so we decided to write a book review sharing our thoughts on the book. 

This week Chestnut have been very busy as we have been finding out about the artist Monet and his painting 'Haystacks'.
Today we have been continuing with our Monet artwork. We have been trying to recreate the Haystacks painting onto our own canvas. 

Today in assembly Maddy played 'Punch and Judy' on the piano, it sounded fantastic! 

This week the Star Award is going to Charlie for always being ready for his learning. Well done.

Tweet will be spending half term in Chestnut Class looking through all our books to see the progress we have made so far in Year 2. 

Home learning is to keep a diary of what you get up to over half term. You can record in your own way.
Lots of letters are in book bags today so don't forget to have a look at those.

Have a lovely half term, relax and stay safe.

Chestnut Class


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