Big Bubble Adventure. Week Ending: 11.05.18


This weekend Tweet will be going home with Emily because Emily is always ready for her learning and offers to support others with their learning. 

In maths we have been finding a fraction of a shape and a fraction of a number. 

1/4 of 12 = 3

During creative writing we wrote our own bubble adventure story. We blew bubbles in the classroom and came up with lots of descriptive language to describe how the bubbles looked and travelled. 

Congratulations to Yeukai who is our Star of the Week for her brilliant independence during her creative writing. 

Home Learning is to research the artist Monet and record in your own way.

Don't forget this evening it is the lower school disco!

Have a good weekend, 

Chestnut Class


  1. I’m looking forward to doing my homework about Monet - I like his paintings.
    I’m going to the D I S C O !


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