The Queen's Knickers! Week Ending: 16.03.18


In English we have written and recorded facts about Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria. 
"Queen Victoria's cooks cooked 50 turkeys for Christmas Dinner" Clara
"The Queen has two birthdays" Georgina

In creative writing we have been reading the story 'The Queen's Knickers'. Then we designed a new pair of knickers for The Queen and wrote a letter to the Queen about the new knickers.
We created disco knickers, dog walking knickers, sport knickers and lots of other types of knickers!

Today Michael was awarded the Star Award for taking turns in a group. 

Mary-Ann will be taking Tweet home for her progress with her writing. 

In Science we made a 3D reptile out of card, we worked with a partner to make it. 

This week it has been Science Week. We made parachutes out of different materials and tested them to discover which travelled the slowest. The slowest parachute was made out of tissue paper. 

Home learning this week is:
Next Friday is Sport Relief. Record how many ways you can keep active over the weekend. Record in your own way.

Well done Maple for your brilliant sharing assembly this morning. 

Have a good weekend.

Chestnut Class


  1. I enjoyed making my own reptile with Will.

  2. I enjoyed desining a new pair of knickers.
    I also love school and learning

  3. It was fun making reptiles with Oliver. I'm looking forward to Sports Relief on Friday. Ben

  4. I enjoyed making a parachute with Harry G and Teddy . Our parachute was fast and made out of felt.


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