Super Sharing Assembly! Week Ending: 9.3.18


This morning it was our FANTASTIC SHARING ASSEMBLY! we had great fun sharing our learning with everyone!

Today in English we wrote a character description about Percy the Park Keeper. 

This afternoon Mrs Burgess brought her new puppy Louis in to see us, he felt soft and fluffy!

Well done to Maddy who received the Star Award for being a role model to others. 

Congratulations to Teddy who will be spending the weekend with Tweet for using his independence skills to write his character description. 

In maths we have been solving multiplication number sentences using an array. 

We are doing some tie-dye with our adult helpers at the moment as our topic is 'Colours of the World'.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Chestnut Class


  1. I liked reading out my story at the assembly and I enjoyed learning about Percy The Park Keeper

  2. I liked saying my lines in sharing assembly. I hope that Teddy has a lovely time with Tweet.
    I loved doing tie dying on my T shirt. On Monday I liked doing gym. I also liked doing dance.I like playing with my kittens on the weekend.
    I liked seeing Mrs Burgess new puppy.
    In maths I liked solving multiplication number sentences using my arrays.

  3. On Friday I liked doing the tie-dye with the adult helpers.
    In the weekend we went to Scotland on a plane and I enjoyed it.
    I liked stroking Mrs Burgess's new puppy Lewis. It was soft and cuddly.

  4. Gill (Ben's Mum)11 March 2018 at 12:06

    What a fantastic sharing assembly Chestnut class - you were all amazing.
    A big thank you to Miss Hoad and Mrs Wilson for teaching you so much this term.

  5. I enjoyed doing my character description of Percy using my opinion, appearance, personality and likes and dislikes. I also enjoyed meeting Mrs Burgess' new puppy, Louis. He was a cute, cuddly puppy.
    I loved doing my sharing assembly with everyone in my class.


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