Sport Relief. Week Ending: 23.3.18


Today it is Sport Relief Day, we came into school wearing sport clothes and we gave a donation to raise money for charity. 

This morning during RE we spoke about Easter. We shared the Easter story and recorded it in our own way. 

During maths we've exploring fractions of a shape and fractions of a number. 

We wrote our own non-chronological report on Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria. We used our research facts and wrote these in our own words. 

Home learning: If you were a King or Queen for the day what would your 5 most important rules be?

Tweet will be spending the weekend with Emily for her positive attitude and for being a kind and caring friend. 

This week Jack received the Star Award for taking responsibility of his learning and his learning environment.  

Next week we will be celebrating Mrs Byrne's retirement. On Tuesday we will be having a special party day and you can come to school wearing your party clothes. 

Have a good weekend

Chestnut Class


  1. I liked writing our reports on Kings and Queens. I am very happy because my kitchen is going to be happening in two days. Challenge /I am becomes l’m, you are becomes you’re, has not becomes hasn’t ,lt’s ,would wouldn’t and will not won’t.Harry’s car was the best. Harry Timms

  2. I liked coming into school wearing sports clothes and doing exercise.
    I enjoy doing fractions.
    I'm going to go to Buckingham Palace in the summer.


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