Number Day. Week Ending: 2.2.18


Today it is NSPCC Number Day so we have come into school wearing a number. Don't forgot this evening is the disco, it's 5:00pm-6:30pm.

Today in Maths we had a snack shop. We had to handle real money and find the correct amount of money to pay for our snack. Some of us had to work out the correct amount of change needed.

In English we have been writing a setting description about 'The Hunter'. We challenged ourselves to include expanded noun phrases and adverbs. 

Today Finlay was awarded Star of the Week for his positive attitude and focus.

Well done to Zac who will be spending the weekend with Tweet because Zac is always being kind and helpful to his friends. 

During Science we used our team works skills to design and create our own habitat, take a look at the photos on the Year 2 Page.


  1. I enjoyed writing a setting about the hunter. I liked seeing what other peoples numbers were. My number was 10.
    I made an ice habitat with my friends.
    In Maths, I enjoyed paying for my snack and working out different ways to pay for the fruits.

  2. I liked working as a team with Jemima and will making a habitat it's a snowy island.Maddy

  3. I enjoyed watching Wicked in the theatre on Saturday it was funny and I thought it was good. There was a good song called Defying Gravity.I liked writing our first setting from the Hunter it was fun because Mrs Wilson closed her eyes and we described what we could see. I can’t wait to see what Tweet has got up to with Zac. Harry Timms

  4. I enjoyed making our animal habitats. I worked with Yeukai, Austin and Tommie. We made a penguin habitat. I also made a habitat at home. It was a jungle and it had two trees, one giraffe, one elephant, lots and lots of grass, a blazing, bright sun and a river that linked to a watering hole.

    I am looking forward to making our own cars this week to transport an elephant.

    I can't wait to hear about Zac's adventures with Tweet.


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