DT Week. Week Ending: 9.2.18


This week we made animal rescue vehicles as part of our DT learning. It had to be strong enough to carry an African elephant, move with ease and be attractive to look at. 

 Today we watched Lime's sharing assembly, it was fantastic!

We enjoyed writing some instructions on how to make an animal vehicle for the Year 1 children to follow. We included time connectives and imperative verbs. 

It was great fun sharing everyone's home learning this afternoon. Some children wrote instructions on how to make a paper aeroplane, building a den, baking a cake and lots more!

Home learning is to keep a weather diary over half term as we will be exploring whether during our Topic sessions when we come back.

Well done to Harry who is our Star of the Week for helping Michael to settle into Chestnut Class.
Chestnut Class

Please read over the half term and why not have a go at playing shops so that you handle coins to work out different amounts and change. 

Enjoy half term!


  1. I enjoyed writing my instructions after I made my truck. I loved Lime class’s sharing assembly, it was awesome!

  2. In DT I liked designing what my animal rescue vehicle was going to look like. I liked making my vehicle too.

    In the half term Kiki and I are doing an art course on Monday with Grandma.
    On Saturday my kittens got weighed at the vets.

  3. I liked making our vehicle in DT . My vehicle could carry elephants,lions and birds.At home I made some Hama beads they were Numberjacks they were cool also I made a den with my brother then it collapsed on us. Me and my brother and Daddy watched Coco.Yesterday me,Charlie and Daddy went on a cycle ride to Harpenden.Two days ago we met Ben,Joe ,Max and went on a long walk to Harpenden. We did 9000 steps! We had a yummy milkshake from Shaky Cow. We had a fantastic half term!Harry T

  4. I liked making our rescue vehicles. In half term I have started making a safari park with my dad and I can use my truck with it.

  5. I enjoyed making my animal vehicle.
    Iwent on holiday with my family.

  6. I liked watching Lime class's assembly. I also liked DT because we got to make and design are own animal rescue vehicle.


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