Year 2 Trip to Worburn Safari Park. Week Ending: 26.1.18


Yesterday we went on a school trip to Woburn Safari Park.
"My favourite part was seeing the tigers" Ben
"My favourite part was seeing the penguins" Georgina
"My favourite part was seeing the squirrel monkeys" Austin
"My favourite part was going on the foot safari" Will.

Why not leave a comment telling us your favourite part of the trip?

Today we wrote a recount about our trip yesterday. We included some expanded noun phrases, time conjunctions and detail about our brilliant trip.

Today we welcomed a new member to Chestnut Class called Michael. 

Don't forget next Friday is the school disco and NSPCC Number Day. You can come to school in non-uniform and wear a number. Please also bring a donation in. 

This week our home learning is to have a go at the Big Bird Watch, the information is on our home learning sticker. 

Well done to Mary-Ann who is our Star of the Week for her brilliant listening and attitude towards her learning.

Tweet is spending the weekend with Erin for using her feedback as her next steps and for using her independent learning skills. 


  1. I enjoyed writing my recount. My favourite bit was when we drove through the tiger enclosure.

  2. I enjoyed going on my school trip.
    My favourite part was seeing the Husky dog.

  3. My favourite part of the trip was going on the coach safari and I really liked seeing the wildebeest, lions, bears and the crazy monkeys! I also enjoyed going on the foot safari. I liked the porcupines, the mongoose and the meerkats. I liked the sealions because they followed my hand everywhere and I saw a penguin that was too scared to go into the water because the water was too cold and too strong for his muscles.

    I can't wait to hear about Tweet's adventures with Erin.

  4. My favourite part of the trip was seeing the tigers.maddy

  5. I loved going on our school trip to Woburn Safari Park! I liked writing our first recount of Woburn Safari Park. My favourite part of the day was seeing the Rhinos because they were so enormous! Harry Timms

  6. My favourite parts were seeing the penguins and the squirrel monkeys, who were climbing and jumping around. It was a great day. Bye bye, Austin

  7. On Thursday I really enjoyed the school trip and looking at the animals. My favourite part of the trip was touching the snake. On Saturday I went bowling with aunty Heather at Hollywood bowl.

  8. My favourite bit from the trip was stroking the snake. I also enjoyed seeing the tiger enclosure.


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