Showing Off Week! Week Ending: 12.01.18


We have been learning about The Gruffalo and we retold the story in our own words. 

This week the Star Award is going to Emily for always being cheerful and a helpful member of our class. 
Tweet is going home with Annabelle for her brilliant listening skills and for her use of wow words in her writing!

In dance we have been learning the start of a routine to 'Singing in the Rain'. Next week we are going to learn the next part. 

This week we have been showing off our maths skills by using different strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. 

Next week is 'Colour Week'. The colour in Chestnut Class is yellow. Home learning is to find a yellow object at home and bring it into school to share with your friends. Please check with your adult before bringing it to school and also please attach your name to the object. 

Have a good weekend!


  1. I liked doing my Gruffalo story and I enjoyed making up my own routine.

  2. I liked doing our rooteen to singing in the rain on Wednesday. I liked doing English because I liked writing our Gruffalo story. Harry Timms

  3. I enjoyed writing my Christmas report. My favourite bit was when I got my minecraft set.


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