Yummy Christmas Dinner! Week Ending: 15.12.17
Today it is
Christmas Jumper Day; we have made reindeer bags so that we can take our
Christmas bits home in them next week.
morning we practised our Year 2 Christmas Sharing Assembly. The Year 2 Christmas
Sharing Assembly will take place Tuesday 19th December and starts at 9:05 am. Please make
sure all costumes are in on Monday as we will be doing a dress rehearsal.
We received a
special parcel from the ‘The Jolly Postman’ yesterday. We used our imagination
to write creatively about what we thought might be inside the parcel.
On Wednesday we
had a yummy Christmas lunch and an extra-long play outside. Mrs Byrne came
bursting into our class holding a special sack that had Chestnut written on it.
It was a special delivery from Father Christmas!
Today we got Paddington
and The Golden Boots during celebration assembly.
Well done to Clara
who will be taking Tweet home this weekend. Clara has demonstrated fantastic
listening which has enabled her to work independently.
Home learning is
to keep a diary of what you get up to over Christmas Holidays. We have also
sent home the song words to practise for the Christmas Sharing Assembly.
Don’t forget the
term finishes at 1:30pm on Tuesday 19th December. The children will
not need to bring their reading books or book bags next week.
Enjoy your
I liked wearing my Christmas jumper and I enjoyed my yummy Christmas dinner x