
Showing posts from December, 2017

Yummy Christmas Dinner! Week Ending: 15.12.17

Today it is Christmas Jumper Day; we have made reindeer bags so that we can take our Christmas bits home in them next week.  This morning we practised our Year 2 Christmas Sharing Assembly. The Year 2 Christmas Sharing Assembly will take place Tuesday 19th December and starts at 9:05 am. Please make sure all costumes are in on Monday as we will be doing a dress rehearsal. We received a special parcel from the ‘The Jolly Postman’ yesterday. We used our imagination to write creatively about what we thought might be inside the parcel. On Wednesday we had a yummy Christmas lunch and an extra-long play outside. Mrs Byrne came bursting into our class holding a special sack that had Chestnut written on it. It was a special delivery from Father Christmas! Today we got Paddington and The Golden Boots during celebration assembly. Well done to Clara who will be taking Tweet home this weekend. Clara has demonstrated fantastic listening which has enabled her to work independe...

The Jolly Christmas Postman. Week Ending: 08.12.17

Hello, Yesterday we practised our lines for our Christmas Sharing Assembly. We are working on using expression. We have also been singing some Christmas songs. Home learning this week is to continue to practise your lines and prepare your costume. Please bring your costume into school on Tuesday in a named carrier bag. Today we have been learning about symmetry in maths. We found the lines of symmetry on different 2D shapes. This weekend Tweet is going home with Zanthi as she has really persevered with her learning, well done! Milly got the Star Award for always being kind and helping others. In English we read the story of The Jolly Christmas Postman. Then we read The Jolly Postman and we spoke about the similarities and differences. This week Chestnut Class have delivered the post from the post box, we enjoyed sorting and delivering the Christmas Cards. We are looking forward to Christmas Dinner next Wednesday! Don’t forget to wear a Christmas jumper on F...

Countdown to Christmas!

Hello, Today is the first day of December and Harry Timms opened the first door on our Advent Calendar - yum! This week in Maths we have been learning how to divide.  Division means we share a number into equal parts.  15 divided by 3 = 5.  We have been using cubes and cups and drawing arrays to help us get to the answer. In English, we have been learning about explanations.  We labelled an explanation about how chocolate is made.  We used pictures and wrote our own explanations.  We have also been writing creatively this week and describing our own chocolate room, using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as our inspiration. We have been learning about materials in Science.  Some materials, like metal, are strong.  Next week in Science we will be doing our own experiment with chocolate! Well done to Mehdi for getting this week's star award.  He has shown good caring this week with his friends.  Tweet will be flying home with R...