Work Shadowing. Week Ending: 17.11.17


Today we came to school wearing spots and stripes to raise money for Children In Need. 

This week we focused on money in maths. It is really important to handle money and to work out change. Have a go over the weekend counting different amounts of money with your grown ups. 

During English we have been looking at non- fiction texts and we spoke about the features. Next week we will be writing a non-chronological report on two dinosaurs. Home learning this week is to research two of the following dinosaurs- Triceratops, Brachiosaurus, T-Rex or Stegosaurus.

We discussed the features of a non-fiction text:
"They tell us information" Harry.G
"They have a glossary" Zac
"They have little titles- subheadings" Jemima
"They have an index" Charlie
"The index is in alphabetical order" Harry.T

Well done to Will who will be spending the weekend with Tweet our Learning Owl. Will always shows a brilliant attitude towards his learning. 

Congratulations Jemima who is our Star of the Week for being a kind and caring friend. 

Well done to Beech Class for their brilliant sharing assembly this morning!

We had great fun showing off our learning to the grown-ups that came in for work shadowing. 

Chestnut Class


  1. It was great to spend some time work shadowing Jemima. I enjoyed learning about money and coins with the children and adding different values together.

  2. I loved work shadowing with Mum. I also liked Beech classes assembly.

  3. I enjoyed going to Beech class assembly. I liked doing my maths home learning about money. Clara

  4. I liked Beech classes sharing assembly on Friday. I also liked my mummy coming in for work shadowing on Wednesday. And my birthday assembly with my daddy coming in on Thursday.

  5. I liked when my daddy came in for work shadowing. I am enjoying spending the weekend with Tweet. I also liked putting a non chronological report into order.

  6. Well done 👍 to beech class for their 😃 AMAZING sharing assembly on pudsey day. Emily Crooks. 🦄🦋🦄🐳🦄

  7. I enjoyed when my mummy came in for workshadowing because I liked showing her my reading skills.

  8. I liked using the money and showing Mum how I could add 3 coins together. I enjoyed wearing stripes and spots to school for Children in Need. Georgina


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