Fantastic Sharing Assembly! Week Ending: 3.11.17


Today was 'Glow Day' we wore bright clothes to remind people about being seen in the dark. When you are out at night remember to stay with the adult you are with. 

This morning was our fantastic sharing assembly! we impressed all our grown ups and adults with our learning so far this term. We enjoyed showing off our Learning Owl skills with you all- we hope you enjoyed it!

During Creative Writing we became fireworks and we wrote a firework diary. We thought about what you would see, hear and smell at a firework display.

"I was an orange and blue firework" Erin
" I was a rainbow firework" Jack
"My firework was gold and it turned into a Catherineen Wheel" Will

Star of Week is Clara for always showing kindness to others.  
Tweet will be spending the weekend with Charlie for preserving with his learning.

If you would like to get a poppy these will be on sale next week, you just need to bring in a donation. 

Guided reading, Topic, Dance and English all linked to Bonfire Night and fireworks this week. During Topic we became histories as we found out about events from the past. We researched the Gun Powder Plot story and thought about how it has impacted on life today.

We also spoke about safety around fireworks and bonfires. 
"Always stay behind the barrier at a firework display." Zac
"Never touch a firework"Clara
"When using sparklers wear gloves" Annabelle
"Grown up should be the only ones who touch fireworks" Teddy.
"Never go too close to a bonfire and always stay with your adult" Mary-Ann

Next week during maths we will be looking at different strategies when we subtract numbers. In English we will be writing and editing our own firework poem. Then during Topic we will be finding out about why we wear poppies for Remembrance Day.

Have a good weekend!


  1. I liked doing my fireworks diary. I was a purple and glittery pop!

  2. We had a sharing assembly today. It was fun, I spoke about being part of the school council. My favourite part is the African dancing because everyone joined in at the end.

  3. I liked Chestnut sharing assembly because of the science. Erin

  4. I liked singing Cauliflowers fluffy and I'm looking forward to seeing the fireworks!

  5. I enjoyed our sharing assembly especially when I did the African drumming. I also enjoyed doing my firework diary.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I enjoyed our sharing Assembly and so did my mummy. My mummy danced out of our assembly. Zanthi

  8. I can't wait until we do the firework poems in our creative writing books.

  9. I liked learning about the gunpowder plot and I re told it to my mummy this morning. I went to the fireworks last night and I had fun. Austin

  10. Yesterday I loved the assembly and I went too the fireworks display which was a great day for me

  11. I enjoyed doing our sharing assembly and reading out my evaluation. I also liked singing Cauliflowers Fluffy because it was fun. Georgina

  12. I liked our sharing assembly because of the African dancing. Milly

  13. I liked watching the fireworks on Saturday.
    I enjoyed writing my fireworks diary. Clara

  14. I enjoyed glow day because we got to wear colourful clothes. We enjoyed doing our sharing assembly on Friday. I loved playing the drum. I liked saying my Spanish.We enjoyed watching the fireworks last night. Harry T

  15. I liked the firework diary writing because it was fun.

    There were 36 barrels of gun powder that Guy Fawkes used.

  16. I enjoyed firework night. I also liked doing our firework diaries at school.

  17. I enjoyed writing my diary entry in creative writing I was a gold catherineen wheel~will

  18. I am excited about learning about poppies. Jemima Burton.

  19. I enjoyed dancing at the Chestnut class shearing assembly. I liked learning how to speak Spanish with Mrs Couch.


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