The Gingerbread Man. Week Ending: 13.10.17
This week we have become authors as we wrote a retelling of
The Gingerbread Man. Today we recieved 2 marbles for our fantastic concentration and
detailed story writing.
This weekend Georgina will be taking home Tweet our Learning
Owl for her participation in whole class discussions and for always being ready
for her learning.
Star of the Week was awarded to Zac for being a brilliant
role model to others in the class and around the school.
During maths this week we have been adding and subtracting
10. We commented on similarities and differences between the tens and the ones.
We designed our own seed in science and thought about how the seed
would disperse. Some of our seeds would disperse by wind, by being shook or by
travelling on water.
In PSHE we have been learning about feelings and we came up
with strategies on how to overcome some of our feelings, such as if we were worried we would talk to some one. If we felt angry we might count to 10 or take deep breaths.
Home Learning is to research Africa and record in your own way as we
will be learning about Africa next week during Cultural Week.
Don’t forget tonight is the school disco!
Well done Chestnut Class for a brilliant week.
Chestnut Class
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