What a busy week in Chestnut Class! Week Ending: 15.09.17


This is our first blog in Chestnut Class. At the moment we are the monitors around school, this means we have special jobs to do. This afternoon Mrs Byrne read the story 'On the Way Home' we laughed lots and shared our ideas. 

On Thursday Year 2 visited Knebworth House and we took part in activities linked to our topic called 'Once Upon a Time...' 

This term in games we are focusing on the sport Hockey. This week we practised our dribbling and ball control skills. 

In maths we have adding and we have been working out different number bonds to 10. 

"I think Year 2 is great fun because you get to do lots of number sentences and writing" Maddy
"I like sitting on the benches in assembly" Austin
" I like doing my monitor job I am a diary monitor" Clara
" I like being a music monitor as I control the music for assemblies"Emily.Cr
" I like the learning in Year 2" Oliver

Chestnut Class


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